Saturday, August 11, 2012

5-4-3 If You're Scoring at Home

The triple play.  There have been 689 documented triple plays major league baseball.  This year, and not in the MLB, a very nice triple play was performed.  Three visits to that piece of heaven north of us, Yellowstone National Park.  8 years ago Rooster made his first trip to the park.  The years of soccer and skateboarding have reduced his visit counts to the park.  It was wonderful to get back in the park with him last week, along with Gear Guide Wyatt and G-man.  The fishing was tough, the big orange bugs have moved up river and the fish were full.  We had to do some recon and searching, but managed to find a few players who swung at a tailing slider on the outside corner....

8 years later, still hitting home runs...

A mouthful of big rich bugger

Untouched sky.  Polarizers at Noon day can create dramatic effects to skies and clouds

The Gear Guide with colored up Yellowstone Cutthroat

Rooster's first trip to YNP.  Throwing knuckle balls to Brookies on the Gardner river, with Ricardo.  Time flies... pun intended.